Available 8am - 4:30pm CST
Meet Our Team
Industry Railway has an unparalleled team of people who have decades of experience in this industry. Our field sales support team and customer service team both individually possess 40 plus years of railroad industry knowledge.

Sales Territory Map
David Glawe
Director of Sales
Sean Keefe
Key Account Manager
Quinn Newman
Key Account Manager
Canadian Pacific, Kansas City Southern, Union Pacific Northern Region
(708) 267-0317 qnewman@industryrailway.comTommy Wooten
Key Account Manager
CSX, Norfolk Southern, Holland Company, Florida East Coast, Genesee & Wyoming
(708) 692-6767 twooten@industryrailway.comAlex Kangas
Key Account Manager
Tom Gehr
Sales Consultant
Tom Swalboski
Sales Consultant