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Abrasives - Grinding Stones

To some, it may seem that once a section of track is laid, the hard work when it comes to a railway is done. At Industry-Railway Suppliers, we know that maintenance of way (MOW) requires continuous upkeep.

Rail steel endures significant stress; if the deterioration to the track caused by that stress isn’t properly addressed, it can lead to a significantly shortened service life, and even potential derailments.

Given what’s at stake, it’s no wonder that rail grinding—the process of resurfacing or shaping rails through abrasion—has been integrated into industry best practices for decades, making grinding wheels and stones an important component in any maintenance of way program.

Grinding wheels are often fitted to a rail grinder machine, or they can be affixed to hydraulic, gas or cordless grinders. In any case, they aim to improve a rail’s profile and surface during wheel-rail contact. Grinding is a highly effective form of maintenance that leaves railways significantly safer. Modern technology even aims to grind rails in such a way that vibrations and noise can be reduced.

Both railroad workers’ safety and companies’ investments (freight companies invest billions in MOW projects every year) are riding on the quality of grinding equipment used on a project, and that’s why Industry-Railway Suppliers is proud to offer Norton Grinding Wheels for sale. Norton is a global leader in advanced abrasive technology.

IRS is committed to providing the very best technology available because we know what it takes to achieve long-term success in this field; we’ve been providing tools of the trade to railway professionals since 1966, and we plan to continue providing superior products with outstanding service for many years to come.

Shop our selection of grinding wheels and stones today, and integrate the best possible items into your maintenance of way regimen.

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